Monday, January 27, 2014

"Be bold. Be humble. Be courageous."

The words the Blessed Mother gave to St John Bosco when she appeared in his dream at 9 years old. These are words that have been passed on to all those opening themselves up to the Salesians. Words graciously given to me tonight. Words that are so heavy. So big. So meaningful. So right. 
I've been in Tampa for nearly two weeks now and about a month away from all that I know.
This past weekend we celebrated the Feast of St John Bosco here at Mary Help. It was a tiring weekend- a charity dinner, a picnic, an international mass and festival for 800 people - so much crammed into 3 days. As I reflect on it, part of me cannot believe that so much happened in such a short period of time. Then I smile and laugh because the words of the Blessed Mother summarize the weekend quite poetically- we were bold in our planning, humble when things became too big or too much and courageous in seeing all of it through. The Spirit filled us all. 800 people gathering in one space to receive the Eucharist, hear the word of God and celebrate the life and teachings of Don Bosco was such a profound profession of faith. Something I am so grateful to have been a part of.

On the topic of gratitude, I thank you all for reading this. Moreover, I thank you for standing by me as I find myself while using faith in Christ as my vehicle. Please continue to pray for me as I strive to follow the words of our Blessed Mother: "be bold, be humble, be courageous". 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Ciao, bella!

 “Eat well, dress well, stay healthy and be happy. You are beautiful; the children will love you… and don’t get old, beauty.” These are words of advice given to me by a 4ft tall, 95 year old Italian nun. She drew the Sign of the Cross on my forehead and as tears filled my eyes she reminded me that this service I am about to embark on will fill me with much love and happiness. So long as I continue to answer whatever it is I am called to do my life will be joyous. This small conversation wrapped up my trip to San Antonio so beautifully. As we hugged, she blessed me one more time and ended our conversations the way she always does "ciao, bella!” ...not realizing how profound of an impact she has had on me.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Be Not Afraid - Formation Service Camp

I arrived in San Antonio, Texas on December 28th and will be here until January 16th. From December 28th until January 13th I was in Formation and Service Camp. My FSC group was composed of one male and three other females - all of us in our 20s, coming from all over the United States as well as Australia. During camp we lived at the Provincial House for the Western Province of Salesian Sisters in community with over 30 sisters. (For the record, no I am not becoming a nun). Every day began with mass and morning prayer with the sisters at 7am. We also shared all of our meals with the sisters in community. The love and prayers that these women of God have for each of us preparing for mission is so incredible. Upon arriving, we found that pictures of each of us were posted in the dining room to remind the sisters to pray for us. We had no idea, but a whole community had been praying for us long before they even met us. We were loved, hugged and encouraged daily. 

The Provincial House is an active community but also a retirement home for many sisters. The architect designed the building to look much like a Roman Villa would (seeing as the Salesians were founded in Italy). He believed that these women who have dedicated their lives to God deserve nothing but the best and so that is what they got. The architecture, design and details are absolutely stunning.

The first half of FSC was geared towards formation and the back half was more focused on service. Seeing as the organization is run by the Salesians, the basis of our formation was rooted in learning about the Salesian values, St John Bosco and St Mary Mazzarello. We spent a lot of time learning the Preventative Method of St John Bosco and the accompaniment style of St Mary Mazzarello. The value that really rings loudest for me is meeting children where they are and loving them for their successes as opposed to focusing on their weaknesses or shortcomings. 
The second half of camp we were able to put our education into practice and we ran a Bible camp for the children at the local housing projects.

As I compose this post, I am wrapping up my time here in San Antonio and prepare to head off to my mission site of Tampa, Florida. In Tampa, I will be working at the Mary Help of Christians Center. In Tampa, I will take with me the many lessons I learned in San Antonio. I will forever hold a special place in my heart for the Sisters and children that I have met while here. 

Thank you all again 
for reading this blog; moreover, for sharing this journey with me. 

Peace and Love 

Let's Start at the Very Beginning...A Very Good Place to Start

Before I start posting on my travels and service work I figured I should get you all up to speed. In December I graduated from The University of Scranton with a BS in Counseling and Human Services.  As you may know, I am painfully indecisive. Thus, as the semester and my undergraduate career drew to a close it was not shocking that I could not pin down what it was that I wanted to do next. I had laid out only a few options for myself in hopes that when the time came to make a decision it would be quite easy (best laid plans...). Anyway, I ultimately came to a decision - I would spend the next 6 months doing missionary/service work. The organization I am working for is VIDES - Volunteers In Development, Education and Solidarity; a Catholic organization run by the Salesians. My placement for my missionary work is in Tampa, Florida. Before my mission can begin though I needed to attend a Formation and Service Camp at VIDES+USA central office. So, two short weeks after packing up and leaving the Electric City I was on a plane and headed to San Antonio, Texas. 

This blog will probably be your best way to stay up to date with my happenings. I apologize in advance for I know I will be using my phone infrequently. For personal correspondence, my email address is

I want to thank you all for accompanying me on my journey. The love, guidance, words of encouragement and prayers are certainly needed and felt. 

                                                                    Peace and Love